Mayhem Programming – Sun, May 26

CrossFit 804 – Mayhem Programming

Workout Option 1

Chani (Time)

Freedom (RX’d)

For Time:

100/80 Calorie Air Bike

100 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (50/35)

(KG conv: 22.5/15)


For Time:

90/75 Calorie Air Bike

100 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (35/25)

(KG conv: 15/10)


For Time:

75/60 Calorie Air Bike

75 Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press (light)

Target time: 10-12 minutes

Time cap: 15 minutes

Workout Option 2

Option 2: Zone 2/Recovery (Checkmark)

60 Min (Zone 2 Pace)

Buy In: 5,000m Run

AMRAP in remaining time:

1,000m Row

5 Half Kneeling Kettlebell Windmills (35/26) (per arm)

2,000m Bike Erg

:45 Supinated Passive Hang

You can use the first part of the Run as the warm-up.

If Bike Ergs are not available, the 2,000m Bike Erg can be changed to 60/48 cal Air Bike.